Journal Articles Cancers Year : 2024

Improved metastatic-free survival after systematic re-excision following complete macroscopic unplanned excision of limb or trunk soft tissue sarcoma

1 Centre Léon Bérard [Lyon]
2 Institut Bergonié [Bordeaux]
3 UNICANCER/Lille - Centre Régional de Lutte contre le Cancer Oscar Lambret [Lille]
4 IGR - Institut Gustave Roussy
5 Département de chirurgie viscérale [Gustave Roussy]
6 APHM - Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille
7 Hôpital Sud [CHU Rennes]
8 Institut Curie [Paris]
9 Hôpital Cochin [AP-HP]
10 IRCM - U1194 Inserm - UM - Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier
11 IUCT Oncopole - UMR 1037 - Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse - Oncopole
12 UNICANCER/CAL - Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer Antoine Lacassagne [Nice]
13 AP-HP - Hopital Saint-Louis [AP-HP]
14 IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes
15 CHU Nantes - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes = Nantes University Hospital
16 Département de biostatistiques [ICL Alexis Vautrin]
17 CRAN - Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy
18 CHRU Nancy - Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Nancy
19 UNICANCER/CRLCC-CGFL - Centre Régional de Lutte contre le cancer Georges-François Leclerc [Dijon]
20 UNICANCER/CJP - Centre Jean Perrin [Clermont-Ferrand]
21 Service de médecine interne [CHU Dupuytren]
22 Service de Chirurgie Digestive [CHRU Besançon]
23 CRLCC Jean Godinot
24 UNICANCER/CRLC - Centre Régional de Lutte contre le Cancer François Baclesse [Caen]
25 CHU Rouen
26 Hôpital de Hautepierre [Strasbourg]
27 GATE - Health System Analysis Laboratory
28 UNICANCER/CRCL - Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon
29 UB - Université de Bordeaux
30 UCBL - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Louis Le Nail
  • Function : Author
Franck Dujardin
  • Function : Author
Claire Chemin-Airiau
  • Function : Author
Magali Morelle


Background: Whether re-excision (RE) of a soft tissue sarcoma (STS) of limb or trunk should be systematized as adjuvant care and if it would improve metastatic free survival (MFS) are still debated. The impact of resection margins after unplanned macroscopically complete excision (UE) performed out of a NETSARC reference center or after second resection was further investigated. Methods: This large nationwide series used data from patients having experienced UE outside of a reference center from 2010 to 2019, collected in a French nationwide exhaustive prospective cohort NETSARC. Patient characteristics and survival distributions in patients reexcised (RE) or not (No-RE) are reported. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard model was conducted to adjust for classical prognosis factors. Subgroup analysis were performed to identify which patients may benefit from RE. Results: Out of 2371 patients with UE for STS performed outside NETSARC reference centers, 1692 patients were not reviewed by multidisciplinary board before treatment decision and had a second operation documented. Among them, 913 patients experienced re-excision, and 779 were not re-excised. Characteristics were significantly different regarding patient age, tumor site, size, depth, grade and histotype in patients re-excised (RE) or not (No-RE). In univariate analysis, final R0 margins are associated with a better MFS, patients with R1 margins documented at first surgery had a better MFS as compared to patients with first R0 resection. The study identified RE as an independent favorable factor for MFS (HR 0.7, 95% CI 0.53–0.93; p = 0.013). All subgroups except older patients (>70 years) and patients with large tumors (>10 cm) had superior MFS with RE. Conclusions: RE might be considered in patients with STS of limb or trunk, with UE with macroscopic complete resection performed out of a reference center, and also in originally defined R0 margin resections, to improve LRFS and MFS. Systematic RE should not be advocated for patients older than 70 years, or with tumors greater than 10 cm.
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hal-04653665 , version 1 (07-11-2024)



Francois Gouin, Audrey Michot, Mehrdad Jafari, Charles Honoré, Jean Camille Mattei, et al.. Improved metastatic-free survival after systematic re-excision following complete macroscopic unplanned excision of limb or trunk soft tissue sarcoma. Cancers, 2024, 16 (7), pp.1365. ⟨10.3390/cancers16071365⟩. ⟨hal-04653665⟩
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